Avraham's Tent

Prophecy and Wisdom: Song of Songs

MP3 audio classes on the original Hebrew Biblical texts with verse by verse analysis of their meaning and relevance for our lives and times

Song of Songs - 1: General Introduction

Song of Songs - 2: Introductions to Shir HaShirim by Rashi, Ibn Ezra and Metzudat David

Song of Songs - 3: Chapter 1 verses 1-4 and Targum Yonatan on verse 1

Song of Songs - 4: Chapter 1 verses 1-8 with commentary of Metzudat David on the metaphor and the meaning

Song of Songs - 5: Chapter 1 verse 9-Chapter 2 verse 7 with Metzudat David commentary

Song of Songs - 6: Chapter 2 verses 7-17 with Metzudat David

Song of Songs - 7: Chapter 3 verses 1-11 with Meztudat David

Song of Songs - 8: Chapter 4 verse 1-Chapter 5 verse 1 direct translation and basic commentary

Song of Songs - 9: Chapter 4 verse 8-Chapter 5 verse 1 with Metzudat David

Song of Songs - 10: Chapter 5 verses 2-10 with Metzudat David

Song of Songs - 11 Chapter 5 verses 11-16 with Metzudat Davi

Song of Songs - 12 Chapter 6 verses 1-9 with Metzudat David

Song of Songs - 13 Chapter 6 verse 10-Chapter 7 verse 2

Song of Songs - 14 Chapter 7 verses 7-9

Song of Songs - 15 Chapter 7 verse 8-Chapter 8 verse 4

Song of Songs - 16 Chapter 7 verse 11-Chapter 8 verse 4 with Targum

Song of Songs - 17 Chapter 8 verses 5-7 with Metzudat David, Rashi and Targum

Song of Songs - 18 Chapter 8 verses 8-10 with Metzudat David, Rashi and Targum

Song of Songs - 19 Chapter 8 verses 11-14 with commentaries. Conclusion

Study Aid: Shir HaShirim, Song of Songs, Hebrew Text, English Translation and Rashi's Commentary