Avraham's Tent

Inspiration: Teachings of Rabbi Nachman

Study Aid: Complete Hebrew Text of Likutey Moharan Part I (PDF)

"The Singing Frog": Likutey Moharan I:3
The Singing Frog - 1
The Singing Frog - 2
The Singing Frog - 3
The Singing Frog - 4
The Singing Frog - 5

Complete joy: the unification of all joys Likutey Moharan Part II, Lesson 34
Likutey Moharan Part II, Lesson 34

Perfect Joy transcends fear of death: Likutey Moharan Part II, Lesson 33
Likutey Moharan Part II, Lesson 33

Beyond Time and Space: Likutey Moharan Part II, Lesson 61
Beyond Time and Space: Likutey Moharan Part II, Lesson 61

Who wants life? Likutey Moharan Part I, Lesson 33

1 - Finding HaShem everywhere
2- The good days and the bad: searching for the hidden Torah
3 - Stripping off the veils, building the letters and hearing His word
4 - Na'aseh VeNishma, "We shall do and we shall hear"
5 - The revealed love in the Torah and G-d's hidden love
6 - Hidden light of the Torah and the Tzaddik to be revealed by Mashiach
7 - The Tzaddik likened to an angel
8 - Everyone can experience the light of Da'at on their level
9 - "Who is the man who desires life?"

The Hidden Light
Likutey Moharan Part I, Lesson 15

1 - Introduction
2 - Opening section
3 - Self-judgement removes the judgement from above
4 - Fear of HaShem must be elevated to its root, knowledge and awareness in one's very heart
5 - Torah brings to humility, and through devoted prayer the secrets of the Torah are revealed
6 - Humility and fervent prayer bring to self-nullification and the ascent beyond boundaries
7 - R. Nachman explains a Talmudic tale of a frog, a snake and a raven in the light of his teaching
8 - G-d's 5 Acquisitions (Avot 6:10) allude to all the levels in this lesson
9 - Who will minister? Conclusion