Torah for the Nations: Songs
Songs of praise and thanksgiving, joy and devotion for people of all nations and backgrounds.
• Coming soon: MP3s and videos of these songs being played and sung.
Psalm 67 Lam'natze'ach
English translation
1. For the Leader; with string-music. A Psalm, a Song.
2. G-d be gracious unto us, and bless us; may He shine His face toward us, Selah!
3. To know Your way upon the earth, Your salvation among all nations.
4. Let the peoples give thanks to You, O G-d; let the peoples give thanks to You, all of them.
5. Let the nations be glad and sing for joy; for You will judge the peoples with equity, and lead the nations upon earth, Selah
6. Let the peoples give thanks to You, O G-d; let the peoples give thanks to You, all of them.
7. The earth hath yielded her abundance; may G-d, our G-d, bless us.
8. May G-d bless us; and let all the ends of the earth fear Him.
English transliteration of the original Hebrew words:
1. La-m'natzey'ach bi-n'ginot mizmor sheer
2. Elohim yechaneynu viyevar'chenu, ya-er panav eetanu selah
3. La-da'at ba'aretz darkecha, bechol goyim yeshu'atecha
4. Yodoocha ameem Elohim, yodoocha ameem koolam
5. Yismechu viyeranenoo le-oomim ki tishpot ameem mishor oo-le-oomim ba-aretz tanchem selah
6. Yodoocha ameem Eloheem, yodoocha amim koolam
7. Eretz nat'nah yevoolah, yevorchenoo Elohim Eloheynoo
8. Yevorcheinoo Elohim ve-yir'oo oto kol afsey aretz.