Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 79

The Great Day of Judgment: complete repair and receiving the reward

The Great Day of Judgment is when all the deeds of the world will be laid out in their proper order, just as they were performed, from the beginning of the world until its end. In the light of all of this, perfection will reign through the relevation of the knowledge of His unity, blessed be His name. In accordance with the perfection that will then reign, the eternal reward will be established for ever and ever and to all eternity, endlessly and without limits.

Having discussed how all deeds leave their mark and how this serves to reveal God's perfection through all that exists, we must now explain how and when this revelation will come about.

The proposition has two parts.

Part 1: The Great Day of Judgment... This is the day when God is destined to judge all His works. The purpose of this will be to lay out His entire Judgment from the beginning of the governmental order until the end, to prove to man the righteousness of His laws. Thus the proposition states that this Day of Judgment ...is when all the deeds of the world will be laid out in their proper order, just as they were performed... In other words, to ascertain the true nature and significance of things as they really are, it is not sufficient if they are judged according to what they are in themselves. Everything that came before them must also be taken into account. ...from the beginning of the world until its end. This is why the Great Day of Judgment comes at the end, when all the deeds will have been done, in order to include everything in it.

Part 2: In the light of all this, perfection will reign... i.e. the repair of all the deficiencies, as explained earlier. ...through the relevation of the knowledge of His unity, blessed be His name. In other words, as explained above, this revelation of unity shows that the power and control is His alone.

And in accordance with the perfection that will then reign, the eternal reward will be established for ever and ever and to all eternity, endlessly and without limits. There is another benefit in the Great Judgment, and this stems from what we have already explained - that through the revelation of the unity, the eternal reward will be fixed for all who served. According to the service of each one in revealing the unity, so will be his delight in the Supreme Perfection.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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