Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 80

BaN and MaH are the root of all defects and repairs.

All the different kinds of defects that could possibly exist were rooted in BaN. And all the different kinds of repairs for all of these defects are rooted in the interconnections whereby MaH joins with BaN. Accordingly, everything that was and will be was all already rooted here, and this is through the mystery of God's foreknowledge. And at the end of everything it will be understood how all this was necessary in order to complete the overall perfection through the mystery of His unity.

Having discussed how the Great Judgment will be a full reckoning of the defects and repairs, we must now provide further explanation of the overall root involved in all of this.

This proposition contains two parts. Part 1: All the different kinds... This states a premise about the root of the defects and their repairs. Part 2: Accordingly... This explains the corollary of the above premise.

Part 1: All the different kinds of defects that could possibly exist... Clearly, all the different processes on the level of the Sefirot are nothing but ready-made pathways, whether for good or for the opposite (God forbid), in order thereby to provide a place for man's service of God through having the freedom to do either good or bad. ...were rooted in BaN. And all the different kinds of repairs for all these defects are rooted in the interconnections whereby MaH joins with BaN. For the different pathways with which MaH is interconnected with BaN are precisely the pathways required in order to repair these defects.

Part 2: Accordingly, everything that was and will be was all already rooted here... For ready prepared here is everything that can possibly exist throughout all of time depending on man's deeds. ...and this is through the mystery of God's foreknowledge. For God foresaw all that was destined to be ("He foresaw the deeds of the righteous..." - Genesis Rabbah 3:8), and accordingly He prepared here the repairs that would suffice for all that was destined to be.

And at the end of everything it will be understood how all this was necessary in order to complete the overall perfection... After the deficiencies have become known - how many there are and how far they reach - the need for all the different pathways of repair prepared here will then be understood in retrospect. At the outset, however, this could not be known except to God, Who in His supreme knowledge knew everything.

...the overall perfection through the mystery of His unity. All that relates to the repair of the deficiencies comes to complete the revelation of God's overall perfection. For in proportion to the deficiencies, so is the perfection that is revealed when the necessary repair is brought about through the mystery of the revelation of the supreme unity.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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