Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 68

All parts of the creation and its laws serve the general repair

The parts that ascend and their various levels and ways of interconnecting are precisely what is necessary for the making of this world in the way it needed to be made, with just so many positive repairs and just so many deficiencies and laws as are necessary to bring the cycle of the governmental order to completion.

Having explained what was involved in the repair of the vessels that MaH sorted, selected and joined back to Himself and the ascents they make, we will now explain the law that underlies all of this, whereby all their detailed aspects must be understood.

There are two parts to this proposition: Part 1: The parts that ascend... This gives a general introduction to this matter. Part 2: ...with just so many positive repairs... This explains the introduction.

Part 1: The parts that ascend... These are the purified portions selected for what is needed for the vessel of the Partzuf. ...and their various levels... These are the stages of the ascent. Thus at first the vessels ascended to the place of Netzach-Hod-Yesod of Atzilut, and afterwards go up to their place little by little. And every Partzuf that went down at first to the top of Beriyah ascends from there to Atzilut, with all the other things involved in this. ...and ways of interconnecting... i.e. such as MaH being in Atik in front while BaN is behind, whereas in Arich Anpin, MaH is right and BaN is left, and all the other things involved in this.

...are precisely what is necessary... For the Supreme Wisdom undoubtedly did everything with exact calculation of what was necessary, neither more nor less. For with just one degree higher or one degree lower, things would immediately be different. For example, if man were one level higher than his actual level, he would be like the angels, with no evil inclination, whereas if he were one level lower, he would be like an animal.

...for the making of this world in the way it needed to be made... In order that it should have the exact nature required in accordance with the ultimate purpose intended through it, namely to provide the possibility of free will and the return of evil to good.

Part 2: ...with just so many positive repairs and just so many deficiencies... We have already explained above (Opening 50, Part 2) that the nature of the different creatures depends on degrees of closure and openness and making them as strong as necessary and as weak as necessary.

...and laws as are necessary... This is the mystery of the use of the repairs and deficiencies each in its necessary time and manner. ...to bring the cycle of the governmental order to completion. The overall calculation that includes all this is the complete cycle of the governmental order. For everything is calculated in a way that can, through this cycle, reach the overall end - which is perfect goodness.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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