Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 69

Balance. Cooperation between all the lights brings the complete repair.

The foundation of the repair lies in a balance such that all the lights must carry out their repairs taking each other in account, with just so many kinds of openness and so many kinds of closure as will collectively produce a repaired government with all the great orders that enable it to bring about one cycle of the entire creation whereby everything will end up in a state of goodness and complete perfection.

Having explained what happened in order to join MaH and BaN and build the worlds from them, we will now give an overall explanation of the comprehensive order that repairs these worlds.

This proposition consists of two parts: Part 1: The state of repair consists of a balance... This states the general nature of the repair. Part 2: There are just as many kinds... This provides further explanation.

Part 1: The foundation of the repair lies in a balance... This is the mystery of the Balance (מתקלא, matk'la) mentioned by the Kabbalistic sages in connection with the mystery of Male and Female. This is what brings about the repair of the worlds.

...such that all the lights must carry out their repairs taking each other in account. Since the governmental order must emerge out of consensus, it is not enough for each power to be for itself alone: it must look towards its fellow powers. In addition to what each needs for its own purposes, it is also prepared with what is necessary for the others so as to join with them.

Part 2: .with just so many kinds of openness and so many kinds of closure... As already explained, it is the different kinds of openness and closure that affect and change the mode of government in order to strengthen things or weaken them as necessary.

.as will collectively produce a repaired government... This is obvious, because everything that exists in the lights produces an effect among the creations in the world. The purpose of all the individual details prepared in the lights is to produce all the required effects in the governmental order that runs those creations.

...with all the great orders that enable it... No mind can grasp the depth of the great governmental order that the Holy One blessed be He operates, which contains things that are seemingly so strange, and yet everything goes only to repair. And the entire order depends upon these laws in all their details (i.e. upon the Partzufim, which govern the worlds).

...to bring about one cycle of the entire creation... It has already been explained at length that the entire governmental order is only one cycle at the end of which lies the law of general perfection.

...whereby everything will end up in a state of goodness and complete perfection. At the end of everything there must be only good with no further evil in existence. The cycle will be completed in such a way that everything will be fixed for good, and there will be no further destruction. All the damage will have been repaired and from then on there will be only good.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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