Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 134

Zeir Anpin repairs Nukva to create the possibility of service by the lower creations.

Nukva must be repaired by Zeir Anpin in the ways needed in order for her to provide a place for the service of the lower creations, whether by receiving from his back parts or receiving from his front, be it from the chest and below or the chest and above. These are all different states in which she may ascend or descend depending on the deeds of the lower creations.

Having discussed how the different ascents and descents increase or decrease the strength of the government, we will now examine the repairs that enable Nukva to be affected by men's deeds and to increase or decrease the flow of influence accordingly.

This proposition consists of two parts: Part 1: Nukva must be repaired. This explains the repairs to the Nukva in general terms. Part 2: .whether by receiving. This lists the specific arrangements.

Nukva must be repaired by Zeir Anpin. Man's entire service is bound up with repairing the Nukva, which is the very root of the lower creations. The purpose of all man's service is to repair the Nukva in such a way as to enable blessing to come to her and through her to the lower creations in great abundance.

But everything is done in stages, and the repairs to Nukva preparing her to receive the flow of influence in the proper way also follow the principle of measure and gradation. The degree to which Nukva is repaired through men's deeds and thereby prepared for Zeir Anpin determines the degree to which all the different lights she receives from Zeir Anpin for the lower realm will radiate. Everything is governed by the principle that "all depends on the abundance of good deeds" (Avot 3:19).

Nukva is built with certain specific attributes and arrangements that constitute the laws required to create the possibility of a suitable level and measure of service on the part of the lower creations. The entire repair and building of Nukva come about through Zeir Anpin. We therefore say that Nukva needs various different repairs from Zeir Anpin himself in order to produce arrangements that will provide a place for man's service and bring it into being in all its details. .in the ways needed in order for her to provide a place for the service of the lower creations.

(Thus Zeir Anpin prepares the Nukva with various different inbuilt ways of receiving from him - Back-to-Back or Face-to-Face etc. - subject to men's deeds. Two kinds of repairs to Nukva are mentioned here: 1. Repairs to her structure by Zeir Anpin preparing her to receive the service of the lower creations. 2. Repairs that come from Zeir Anpin as a result of and in the merit of this service.)

Part 2: .whether by receiving from his back parts or receiving from his front. These are all the different states of Nukva. She may be either Back-to-Back or Face-to-Face, and this in one of two ways: . be it from the chest and below or the chest and above. All these are different ways already prepared by Zeir Anpin whereby Nukva ascends or descends depending on the deeds of the lower creations, as the proposition goes on to say:

These are all different states in which she may ascend and descend depending on the deeds of the lower creations. Everything has its own defined order. Despite the vast multitude of deeds, all come under a finite number of categories which the Supreme Thought prepared in advance to suffice for everything that is destined to come about. (These three states are the general categories that include all possible relationships between Zeir Anpin and Nukva as determined by men's deeds.)





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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