Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 129

First and Second Maturity of Zeir Anpin

Abba and Imma must clothe within their Malchut - which is called the backside of their Netzach-Hod-Yesod - the adornments that they have to give to Zeir Anpin, these being his Mental Powers. This is similar to all other cases where a higher Partzuf gives Mental Powers to a lower one. When Abba and Imma themselves give the Mental Powers to Zeir Anpin with no further subdivision, their Malchut clothes itself in Zeir Anpin's Tzelem, and the lowest part of this Malchut becomes interior in Zeir Anpin while the two upper parts are encompassing levels. This is called the First Israel Sabba-Tevunah.

When the principle of gradation requires a further division, it is Israel Sabba and Tevunah that give the Mental Powers to Zeir Anpin through their Malchut, which is called the Second Israel Sabba-Tevunah, and the latter clothe themselves in the Zeir Anpin's Tzelem in the same order as above.

These are called two levels of Maturity - the First and the Second. The First Maturity is when Zeir Anpin receives from the Second Israel-Sabba-Tevunah; the Second Maturity is when he receives from Abba and Imma without the above subdivision, and this is a far greater power.

Having explained how Abba and Imma subdivide to produce the First and Second Israel Sabba-Tevunah, we will now complete the discussion by explaining how this results in Zeir Anpin's First and Second Maturity.

The proposition consists of two parts: Part 1: Abba and Imma must. This explains where the root of the First and Second Maturity lies. Part 2: And when. This explains the First and Second Maturity in themselves.

Part 1: Abba and Imma must clothe. The same order is followed in every case where a higher Partzuf gives Mental Powers to a lower Partzuf: the moving cause - the higher Partzuf - must clothe its own bottom part with the lights that have to become interior in the lower Partzuf. This is a necessary preparation to enable the lower Partzuf to be properly governed by the higher Partzuf by bringing the latter's lights down to a suitable level.

.within their Malchut - which is called the backside of their Netzach-Hod-Yesod. When we speak of Netzach-Hod-Yesod we actually mean Malchut behind Netzach-Hod-Yesod, because that is where its place is, and Netzach-Hod-Yesod are drawn after Malchut because their role is to channel influence thereto. Thus when we say Netzach-Hod-Yesod we really mean Malchut behind Netzach-Hod-Yesod and Netzach-Hod-Yesod with it. For the Chariot is so arranged that Malchut is attached itself behind Tiferet, since the four key Sefirot are Chessed-Gevurah-Tiferet-Malchut. Netzach-Hod-Yesod emerge from Tiferet only for the sake of Malchut - to connect it to Tiferet - and accordingly they are called the pillars of Malchut, "Yachin" and "Boaz". (This makes it possible to reconcile sources that refer to Israel Sabba-Tevunah as Malchut of Abba and Imma with those that refer to them as Netzach-Hod-Yesod of Abba and Imma.)

.the adornments that they have to give to Zeir Anpin, these being his Mental Powers. These adornments comprise the entire Tzelem in all its parts, i.e. all the Mental Powers.

This is similar to all other cases where a higher Partzuf gives Mental Powers to a lower one. This is not specific to Zeir Anpin but applies to all the Partzufim.

Part 2: When Abba and Imma themselves give the Mental Powers to Zeir Anpin. It is in Abba and Imma's intrinsic nature to divide into two Partzufim through the mystery of Arich Anpin's Kindnesses and Strengths, which are half covered and half revealed (see Opening 110). From then on either one of these two parts - either the upper part, namely Abba and Imma, or the lower part, namely Israel Sabba-Tevunah - may be the primary agent of this function of giving Zeir Anpin his mental powers.

Indeed the intrinsic function of Israel Sabba-Tevunah is to enable the Mental Powers to extend until they reach their place. (Israel Sabba-Tevunah are not qualitatively different Partzufim from those of Abba and Imma; rather, they are an extension of Abba and Imma on a lower level.) Thus we see that sometimes the Mental Powers may be given by the root itself and sometimes by the extension of the root - i.e. sometimes by Abba and Imma (in the Second Maturity) and sometimes by Israel Sabba-Tevunah (in the First Maturity). These are two different levels of Mental Powers. Thus the proposition goes on to say:

.with no further subdivision. When Abba and Imma themselves give Zeir Anpin his mental powers (i.e. in the Second Maturity), there is no need for Israel Sabba-Tevunah to divide off to become a separate Partzuf by themselves. Rather, they are considered as merely Malchut of Abba and Imma - for they are only called an independent Partzuf when they are the primary agent in giving the mental powers, because they are then given power in their own right. And thus:

.their Malchut clothes itself in Zeir Anpin's Tzelem, and the lowest part of this Malchut becomes interior in Zeir Anpin while the two upper parts are encompassing levels. Israel Sabba-Tevunah are then considered as Abba and Imma's Malchut, which itself divides up into Ten Sefirot until it becomes clothed in all of the Tzelem. It is clothed therein as explained in connection with the mystery of the Tzadde, the Lamed and the Mem (see Opening 127). This is called the First Israel Sabba-Tevunah.

When the principle of gradation requires a further division. Israel Sabba-Tevunah are not considered as a separate Partzuf when their role is to enter into Zeir Anpin (i.e. in Second Maturity, when Abba and Imma give the mental powers and Israel Sabba-Tevunah, as Malchut of Abba and Imma, wear the Tzelem). On the contrary, Israel Sabba-Tevunah are considered a separate Partzuf only when they confer their own Mental Powers (i.e. in the First Maturity), when the principle of gradation requires that the Mental Powers can come only from the branch and not from the root. Then they are called the First Israel Sabba-Tevunah, and it is they that then give Zeir Anpin the Mental Powers through their Malchut - which is called the Second Israel Sabba-Tevunah. Thus the proposition continues:

.it is Israel Sabba and Tevunah that give the Mental Powers to Zeir Anpin through their Malchut, which is called the Second Israel Sabba-Tevunah, and the latter clothe themselves in the Zeir Anpin's Tzelem in the same order as above. These are called two levels of Maturity. They are two kinds of Maturity, yet they both follow the same pattern. The Mental Powers that come from Abba and Imma (i.e. in the Second Maturity) are primary, as opposed to the Mental Powers given by Israel Sabba-Tevunah, which are the bottom part.

.the First and the Second. The First Maturity is when Zeir Anpin receives from the Second Israel-Sabba-Tevunah; the Second Maturity is when he receives from Abba and Imma without the above subdivision. For they are counted in ascending order. .and this is a far greater power.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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