Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 122

Action of Zeir Anpin during Pregnancy, Suckling and Maturity

During the time of the Pregnancy action is not applicable to Zeir Anpin; rather, his lights are in the process of being built. As soon as he comes forth, his lights begin to act. However their actions are not complete but undergo a process of repair through Imma until they become complete at the time of complete Maturity.

Having examined these three periods in connection with the building of Zeir Anpin, we will now consider them in terms of his functioning.

During the time of the Pregnancy action is not applicable to Zeir Anpin. Here below too we see the same: the child in his mother's womb does not willfully act. .rather, his lights are in the process of being built. It is quite proper that he should not act, because this is the period in which he is built and not his time to act. This is also why he is hidden - he is inside Imma and is not visible, because he has no function at all but goes on being built.

As soon as he comes forth, his lights begin to act. However their actions are not complete. We see the same below: the newborn baby is active immediately after coming out, but his actions are incomplete and without full intention. Likewise above, the actions of the lights of Zeir Anpin are incomplete without the repairs they are to receive from the supernal lights.

.but undergo a steady process of repair through Imma. For all the repairs to Zeir Anpin come from Imma. Every light that extends further brings a greater repair. .until they become complete at the time of complete Maturity. For complete maturity is when the Mental Powers are fully functional, and so it is down below. By the time of maturity man has already reached his full mental powers.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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