Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 116

Abba and Imma direct Zeir Anpin through his Mental Powers; the Keter derives from Arich Anpin.

It is through the Mental Powers of Zeir Anpin that Abba and Imma are grafted into and rule Zeir Anpin. The Mental Powers of Zeir Anpin are founded on Kindness-Judgment-Mercy, for these make up the entire cycle of government. According to the strength of the Mental Powers, so is the strength of the entire body. Keter of Zeir Anpin is the mystery of Arich Anpin.

Having introduced the subject of Zeir Anpin and Nukva in general we must now examine them in detail, beginning with Zeir Anpin's Mental Powers - Chochmah-Binah-Daat - and everything related to this.

The proposition has two parts: Part 1: It is through the Mental Powers. This explains what Zeir Anpin's Mental Powers are. Part 2: According to the strength. The body is governed entirely by the Mental Powers.

".Netzach-Hod-Yesod of Imma change from their original nature to become 'bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh' of Zeir Anpin himself and are literally like his own body" - Etz Chayim, Shaar Hamochin d'Tzelem ch. 1. "And Tiferet of Arich Anpin turns into the Keter and Skull of Zeir Anpin" - ibid. Shaar Arich Anpin ch. 7.

Part 1: It is through the Mental Powers of Zeir Anpin . The main essence of Zeir Anpin consists of the Six Directions - Chessed, Gevurah, Tiferet, Netzach, Hod and Yesod. This is because the function of Zeir Anpin is to serve as the root of the creations of this world, to sustain and govern them, and all this is only through the Six Directions. However, the Mental Powers exist in Zeir Anpin in virtue of the way Abba and Imma are grafted into him, as the proposition goes on to state.

.that Abba and Imma are grafted into. The Mental Powers in Zeir Anpin are Chochmah-Binah-Daat, the light of the interior soul (Heb. pnimiyut) contained within, as discussed in its proper place. The particular nature of Zeir Anpin's Mental Powers derives from the way Abba and Imma are grafted into him in order to complete and perfect the governmental order in the proper way on the basis of Kindness-Judgment-Mercy (see Opening 113).

.and rule Zeir Anpin. It is through the rule of Abba and Imma over Zeir Anpin that these Sefirot of Chochmah-Binah-Daat are found in Zeir Anpin as a result of this engrafting. Their presence in Zeir Anpin testifies to the rule of Abba and Imma over him.

Zeir Anpin's Mental Powers are founded on Kindness-Judgment-Mercy. Since Chessed-Gevurah-Tiferet and Netzach-Hod-Yesod are arranged in the columns of Kindness-Judgment-Mercy, the factors governing them - the Mental Powers - are also arranged in the same way.

.for these make up the entire cycle of government. The reason why Zeir Anpin and likewise his governmental order are founded on the basis of Kindness-Judgment-Mercy is because this is what is required for the entire cycle of six thousand years, the period of service.

Part 2: According to the strength of the Mental Powers. Zeir Anpin's Mental Powers vary in strength in the phases of immaturity and maturity and so too in the ascents that follow maturity. This is because the degree to which Abba and Imma are grafted into and rule Zeir Anpin may be lesser or greater.

.so is the strength of the entire body. All of Zeir Anpin's power derives from Abba and Imma, and therefore the strength of Zeir Anpin depends on the strength with which Abba and Imma function within him.

Keter of Zeir Anpin is the mystery of Arich Anpin. Just as Abba and Imma govern Zeir Anpin through his Mental Powers, so too Arich Anpin enters through the Keter of Zeir Anpin in order to direct Zeir Anpin to the ultimate goal of the revelation of the unity.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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