Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 110

In the chain of development, Yesod of Atik ends in the chest (Tiferet) of Arich Anpin; as clothed, it ends in Yesod of Arich.

According to the way the chain of development is arranged, Yesod of Atik ends in the chest of Arich Anpin and it is from there that its Kindnesses and Strengths go forth and are revealed. Afterwards it is from there that Abba and Imma, Israel Sabba and Tevunah are built. However in the order whereby one clothes another, Yesod of Atik ends in Yesod of Arich Anpin.

Following our discussion of the various aspects of Arich Anpin, we will now examine the Partzufim of Abba and Imma starting with their root.

According to the way the chain of development is arranged, Yesod of Atik ends in the chest (Tiferet) of Arich Anpin. Each Sefirah has a particular number of sections or "joints" (םיקרפ, perakim), all with their own measure. In the case of Yesod, the sections are Yesod and Ateret HaYesod, the Corona.

.and it is from there that its Kindnesses (םידסח, chassadim) and Strengths (תורובג, gevurot) go forth and are revealed. For in all the Partzufim, Daat spreads from the head into the body of the Partzuf and is wholly included in its Yesod and shines outwards. For Daat is the essence of the governmental order and this is how it must spread - going out of the vessel and openly spreading. This will be discussed later in its proper place (see Opening 124).

Afterwards it is from there that Abba and Imma, Israel Sabba and Tevunah are built. When Chochmah and Binah of Atzilut become Partzufim, they receive a radiation from these Kindnesses and Strengths - their place on the Tree of the Partzufim is facing the Kindnesses and Strengths of Atik, which are revealed when they emerge from the Yesod of Atik and spread in the chest of Arich Anpin. Against the chest are Abba and Imma, which clothe the arms of Arich Anpin down to the navel. It is through the power of the Kindnesses and Strengths of Atik that Abba and Imma divide into four Partzufim - the first and second Israel Sabba and Tevunah, as will be discussed in its proper place (see Opening 128). (The ending of Yesod of Atik in the chest of Arich Anpin is considered in the category of the developmental chain because it causes the division of Chochmah and Binah into four Partzufim, which involves the structure of the Partzufim.)

However, in the order whereby one clothes another, Yesod of Atik ends in Yesod of Arich Anpin. What we have said about where Yesod of Atik ends in Arich in terms of the developmental chain is not a contradiction to saying that as Yesod of Atik is clothed in Arich Anpin it ends in Yesod of Arich, because the Partzufim clothe one another in a different order, as explained in the previous Opening.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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