Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 99

Transfer of man's deeds to the world of reward through Daat of Atik.

The Head that is Unknown - foundation of the interconnections of MaH and BaN above - is the source of the entire governmental order. The seven lower Sefirot of Atik, which are clothed in Arich Anpin, govern the latter according to nature of the Head that is above. Daat of Atik, which is clothed between the Crown and Brain of Arich Anpin, stands to receive the deeds of men under the present governmental order and transfers them through the Head that is Unknown to the levels above to be fixed for eternity.

Having discussed how all these aspects are bound up with the mystery of the present governmental order and that of eternity, we will now present a summary of all the levels that exist to connect the two.

The Head that is Unknown - foundation of the interconnections of MaH and BaN above - is the source of the entire governmental order. This states what I discussed above (Openings 85 & 96): the source of the governmental order that rules during the six thousand years of the duration of this world lies in the mystery of the interconnection of MaH and BaN, which is rooted in the Head that is Unknown. (The first connection of MaH and BaN is in the Head that is unknown, and this is the source of all their interconnections in building the Partzufim of Atzilut, which make up the governmental order of the six thousand years.)

The seven lower Sefirot of Atik, which are clothed in Arich Anpin, govern the latter according to nature of the Head that is above. As discussed earlier, the purpose is to bind the government of Atzilut under this governmental order founded on the interconnections of MaH and BaN in order that it should stand under Adam Kadmon.

Daat of Atik, which is clothed between the Crown and Brain of Arich Anpin. The ARI of blessed memory taught that Daat of Atik stands hidden away (גנוז, ganuz) in the Cavity (אוירה, avira - see Etz Chayim, Shaar Arich Anpin ch. 6). This means that it is not clothed in the same way as the other seven Sefirot but rather, it is hidden away there. The difference is as follows. When something is said to be clothed, it means that the wearer of the clothing keeps hold of the governmental power exercised by the clothing. However, when something is said to be hidden away, it means that it separate from the essential functioning of the clothing but stands there for some other purpose, as the proposition goes on to state.

.stands to receive the deeds of men under the present governmental order. In other words, its purpose is not to control and direct the governmental order of Arich Anpin but rather, to receive what there is to receive from this governmental order and bring it to the Head, which is the true conveyer to eternity through the mystery of its uncertainties. As discussed earlier, in the Head that is Unknown, all things are supervised in accordance with everything past, present and future. Thus Daat stands and receives all aspects of Arich Anpin, and from there they ascend to pass under the supervision of the Head that is Unknown, and from there to be fixed in eternity.

.and transfers them through the Head that is Unknown to the levels above to be fixed for eternity.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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