Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 94

At times Arich Anpin removes Zeir Anpin's stern judgments entirely.

In order for the world to survive, it is sometimes necessary for beneficence to prevail over Justice and execute Kindness even though Judgment does not warrant this. This is when the radiation of Arich Anpin prevails over Zeir Anpin and removes its strict judgments completely.

Following our discussion of how Arich Anpin intrinsically mitigates the severity of Zeir Anpin, we will now explain how Arich Anpin may prevail over Zeir Anpin and remove its stern judgments entirely.

This proposition consists of two parts. Part 1: In order for. This explains that at times it is necessary to suspend the rule of Judgment. Part 2: This is when. This explains the consequent governmental relationship between Arich and Zeir Anpin.

In order for the world to survive, it is sometimes necessary for beneficence to prevail over Justice.

Even though the Supreme Will wanted the world to be governed with Justice, He saw from the beginning that the creations would be unable to endure such Justice. Accordingly, He instituted as part of the governmental order that at times Kindness should prevail completely and altogether suspend the rule of Justice. However this does not apply at all times but only at certain specific times and junctures, and moreover, even this still follows the principle of Justice.

For the commandments are divided into two kinds. There are some commandments whose purpose is to bring about specific repairs in direct proportion to the deed, and they bring about a specific practical repair in a given area. On the other hand there is another kind that cause this suspension of Judgment in which Arich Anpin prevails and suspends the operation of Judgment. (An example of the latter is the commandment to blow the shofar.) Kindness then rules over everything, for the effect of fulfilling such a commandment is not to bring about a specific corresponding result. Rather, everything is arranged in such a way as to be subject to this act, for a general compassion is aroused causing everything to be repaired.

.and execute Kindness even though Judgment does not warrant this. Instead of going in strict in accordance with the principle that the punishment must match the deed, the reward is that Kindness is aroused and operates in the way of Kindness - doing good to all.

Part 2: This is when the radiation of Arich Anpin prevails over Zeir Anpin. Arich Anpin radiates in Zeir Anpin at all times. However, when this radiation becomes extremely powerful, Kindness then rules over everything. .and removes its strict judgments completely. The strict judgments of Zeir Anpin then have no influence whatever - not in the sense that Zeir Anpin remains in the category of strict Judgment while Arich Anpin acts kindly in the world. Rather, the strict judgments are not found in Zeir Anpin itself and have no power at all. This is the "forehead of favor" which purifies all the stern judgments on Shabbat or at every other time when it is awakened.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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