Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 83

The parts of MaH and BaN from which the Partzufim were made are not discernible in the governmental order.

The Partzufim of Atzilut were made through the process of sorting and selection of the parts of the broken vessels. However, what they are made from is now no longer recognizable because the selected parts are already joined together, making the Partzufim equal - those made from certain selected portions being similar to those made from other selected portions.

The Partzufim of Atzilut were made through the process of sorting and selection of the parts of the broken vessels. If there were any discernible difference between one Partzuf and another because of the parts of MaH and BaN selected for their construction in each case, then despite the concealment of the governmental order of MaH and BaN for the sake of free-will (see Opening 81), its functioning would still be recognizable as a result. However, no such difference can be discerned, because what was - was (the selection has already been made) and Atzilut is one single order in which every aspect instituted as a Partzuf comes and governs. With respect to this order, there is no distinction at all between the different Partzufim except in terms of which incline towards Kindness or Judgment, etc. but not in terms of the selected parts from they were made in each case, whether less, more or different. Our only concern is with the way the Partzuf in question governs once it has been fixed in its place in Atzilut. (The specific combination of selected parts in each case is not decisive in the revealed governmental order but only in the concealed governmental order.)

However, what they are made from is now no longer recognizable... For example, Atik is made from the first five Sefirot of Keter of BaN, the first three Sefirot of Chochmah, the first four of Binah and the seven Keters of the seven lower Sefirot... But these things are not recognizable in the revealed governmental order. We can compare this to a group of people assigned various duties by the king. We distinguish between the different people not in terms of any differences that may exist in their personal physical build but only in terms of their individual assignments in each case. (The king assigns each one his particular duty because of his unique qualities, which are known to the king. However, the people involved do not have to understand why the king assigned a particular duty to a particular person. All they have to know is which duty they have been assigned.)

...because the selected parts are already joined together... Once joined together, their intrinsic nature became hidden and is now not visible. ...making the Partzufim equal... When the selected parts were joined together in each case, this produced a Partzuf with the full nature required for the governmental order of Atzilut. Whatever had more parts needed more labor to attain this state, but once it reached it, it reached it. (Similarly, it may take more to repair a vessel that is more seriously damaged, but having been repaired, it is no less functional than a vessel that was less severely damaged.) Thus a Partzuf made of few selected parts with minimal labor attained the same as one made of many with much labor. What was required at the outset is no longer recognizable because, inasmuch as they are Partzufim, they are all equal (in the sense of being built with the same structure - the human form.)

...those made from certain selected portions being similar to those made from other selected portions.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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