Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 48

The repair of Malchut by man, through which everything is repaired completely

The repair of this last level depends on the actions of men, whose task is to strengthen the power of holiness. Then evil will have no further purpose at all but everything will serve only the glory of the Creator. All the garments will then be said to have been repaired completely, and everything will come back and serve to complete the first foundation that was established -- that the entire creation should be of one accord, a single law of perfect repair revealing the unity of God, blessed be He. Atzilut of Nekudim, which is this first foundation, will then be revealed. The light will complete its entry into all the vessels, and the garments will be under the influence of Atzilut, and everything will be in a state of complete repair.

To complete this general overview of the subject of the primordial kings, it is also necessary to explain the purpose of this level that was left at the end.

The proposition consists of two parts. Part 1: The repair of this last level... This explains how this level is repaired. Part 2: Atzilut of Nekudim... This explains what will come about through the repair of this level.

Part 1: The repair of this last level depends on the actions of men... For this is actually what the Supreme Mind prepared in order to provide for the possibility of reward and punishment. For God separated evil from the supernal Sefirot but left its complete removal in the hands of men, and this is what constitutes the repair of this level.

...whose task is to strengthen the power of holiness. There is no need for a new mission for mankind: it is enough that they themselves should increase the power of the holy Sefirot through the power of their deeds. This indeed is the difference between the repair accomplished by the hand of Heaven and the repair accomplished by man, for everything that involved a new innovation had to be brought about by the hand of Heaven, but what simply involved reinforcing the repair and fixing it permanently was to be done by the hands of men.

Then evil will have no further purpose at all... For even this level only sustains evil in order that it should serve as a challenge during the time when this is necessary, and it is necessary only as long as flaws and sins remain. However, when all the souls will have completed their mission, evil will have no further place because accusation will have no further relevance since it will no longer be proper to punish. (When there are no sins, there is no accusation and therefore nothing to nourish and sustain evil.) Moreover, it is man's choice that gives control in the world either to the holy side or to the Other Side. The intent of the commandments is to put holiness in control and prevent the Other Side from taking control. Since men's mission will then have been fulfilled and the service whereby they put holiness in total control and removed the power of evil will be complete, there will be no further place for evil. (Evil will be negated because there will be no need for it, since it was created to provide the possibility of repair through free will, and the repair already be complete through the strengthening of good.)

...but everything will serve only the glory of the Creator. Even the evil that once existed returns to being for the glory of the Creator, as it goes on to say.

All the garments will then be said to have been repaired completely... This is the repair of the actual garments, in the sense that what had been evil in them will turn back to good. This brings about the realization of the first law, that everything should be for the glory of Eyn Sof, blessed be He.

...and everything will come back and serve to complete the first foundation that was established -- that the entire creation should be of one accord... For the intent is to fulfill this overall purpose, for this is what came forth at the outset, and it still remains to be completed. For the purpose of all the different roundabout circuits was to complete the overall repair.

...a single law of perfect repair... This is the reason why everything comes back to this goal, but this is in truth the essence of the existence which the Supreme Mind brought forth, and this is what needs to come forth to operate in actuality, namely the law of the complete repair ...revealing the unity of God, blessed be He. For this was the ultimate goal of the plan from the outset -- to reveal His supreme unity, which is complete perfection, in order that all that exists might delight in Him, as explained above.

Part 2: Atzilut of Nekudim, which is this first foundation, will then be revealed. For this Atzilut is none other than the emanation of the lights (their revelation and differentiation into all their details) on which the entire governmental order is based, in order that the souls may delight therein, as explained earlier. This must be in accordance with the perfect, rectified state. It is thus only after the garments are rectified and all the damage repaired that this Atzilut will be revealed. This is the emanation of the lights in accordance with the overall foundation of all that exists, which is that everything exists only for the glory of God, blessed be His name.

The light will complete its entry into all the vessels... For this Atzilut (or emanation of the lights) that we refer to applies to the vessels of the Nekudim. When the repair of the vessels will be complete, the inner light will enter fully into the vessel (all the lights, including all the details of the revelation of the unity, will enter into the vessels) and the governmental order will thus be complete.

...and the garments will be under the influence of Atzilut... For as already explained, at present what were once the garments of Atzilut are in a state of having fallen to become worlds in themselves, since the body that was clothed in them is absent. But when the first Atzilut again becomes revealed, they will all go back to being its garments.

...and everything will be in a state of complete repair. For the lights will be complete, and the garments will be complete, fulfilling their proper function, and all that exists will be complete with no flaws.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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