Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto ("RaMChaL"):
138 Openings of Wisdom

Opening 40

The connection of Beriyah, Yetzirah and Asiyah with Atzilut at their root in Nekudim

This general material had to divide up into its constituent details, and then, first of all, there was the general basic foundation, which is called Atzilut with its three garments. Afterwards, control passed successively to each garment by itself, and they were called the three worlds of Beriyah, Yetzirah and Asiyah. For Atzilut as arranged with its proper repairs and adornments is the root of everything, while Beriyah, Yetzirah and Asiyah serve to bring forth the offshoots of Atzilut. Each one individually brings forth the offshoot suited to it, and all of them are merely offshoots of what already exists in Atzilut.

Having explained how the world of Nekudim is one material that has to divide up into its details, we will now discuss how it divides up.

The proposition consists of two parts. Part 1: This general material... This is the general principle relating to the division of the material into its details. Part 2: For Atzilut... This explains the reason behind this.

Part 1: This general material had to divide up into its constituent details... For at the start of existence there was only the material. Afterwards (in the repair), it was necessary to give existence to each detail by itself (i.e. to each Partzuf in accordance with its unique aspect) in accordance with its function and its appropriate form.

...and then, first of all, there was the general basic foundation... This first material consists of all the lights of SaG emerging from the eyes of Adam Kadmon, for these are what we are discussing. (The lights of Nekudim are the lights of SaG of SaG, which came after the lights of the Ears, Nose and Mouth, the latter being AV of SaG. From SaG of SaG emerged the lowest aspect -- BaN of SaG of SaG.)

In order to ensure the complete emergence of every detail out of this material, it was necessary that all the entities that exist in the upper and lower realms should be included, for it was from this material or substance that they were all made, as stated earlier. However, the first thing that had to emerge as the material began to divide into its particulars according to the unfolding sequence of the governmental order was a single, overall, general power that would include everything as one. Some of the details included in this would be there as the essence (i.e. Atzilut) while the others (i.e. Beriyah, Yetzirah and Asiyah) would be secondary to it in order to enable it to fulfil its purpose.

This entire initial division within the overall material is called only a single detail, for the overall purpose is accomplished (i.e. after the repair) precisely through the institution of a single law as the foundation, with the others being secondary to it. (What was instituted here was only which one is fundamental and which are secondary, not the individual details contained in each one.) See the difference between this basic foundation (the establishment of what is fundamental and what is secondary) and the general material. The general material includes all the laws of government and all the creations complete with everything they require (just as the seed contains the tiniest details of the complete tree), whereas this basic foundation is not an undifferentiated generality. Rather, it consists of one aspect as the essential root while the other is secondary to it and comes to complete its purpose. (The general material contains all the individual details while at the stage of formless material -- just as the seed contains all the details of the tree -- whereas the first foundation includes only the category of essential/secondary.)

...which is called Atzilut with its three garments. Thus Atzilut is primary, while its three garments are secondary, and the separate creations follow after them.

Later, control successively passed to each garment by itself... This completes the function of the general material, which includes all the different parts in accordance with their intrinsic nature. This includes the provision that each garment should rule by itself and do what is in its power. (This is also part of the overall governmental order leading to the ultimate purpose, and is therefore included in the general material.) For everything the garment does is merely one necessary provision included among everything else that can be discerned in the totality of the governmental order constituted by Atzilut with all of its branches.

...and they were called the three worlds of Beriyah, Yetzirah and Asiyah. As already mentioned earlier (Openings 31 & 38), everything which is given power and control by itself acquires its own name and reveals its powers separately. However, when it is secondary to others, it is not called by a separate name but is considered as merely a small part of the others in which it is included.

Part 2: For Atzilut as arranged with its proper repairs and adornments... In order to perform its functions, it requires everything that is in it, and also that it should be clothed in its garments. ...is the root of everything... For the function of Atzilut is the initial preparation of everything that has to exist with all their different levels and all their various institutions and repairs.

...while Beriyah, Yetzirah and Asiyah serve to bring forth the offshoots of Atzilut. This is the defining quality of Beriyah, Yetzirah and Asiyah -- that they execute the functions of Atzilut. Each one individually brings forth the offshoot suited to it... I.e. they execute and actualize the functions of Atzilut, each world according to its individual nature, institutions and level of existence. And things go stage by stage on a scale, for the power produced by Yetzirah is less than that produced by Beriyah. But besides their different levels, each has its own individual aspects and produces offshoots in accordance with its intrinsic naure. (For example, besides the fact that Yetzirah in itself is a level lower than that of Beriyah, it has its own unique aspects, such as angels.) But their strength is considered on a relative scale.

...and all of them are merely offshoots of what already exists in Atzilut. For literally nothing new is added to them and anything they contain is only a derivative of something included as a facet of Atzilut.





Translated by Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Greenbaum
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